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Ph.D, Professor
Department of Information Security
College of Computer Science and Technology
Shanghai University of Electric Power

E-mail: kzhang@shiep.edu.cn; zhangkaiecnu@163.com

[中文主页][Google Scholar][DBLP][ORCID][Codes]

About Me

Kai Zhang is currently a professor at the College of Computer Science and Technology, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai, China. Previously, he received Ph.D degree in East China Normal University (2012.09-2017.12) under the supervision of Prof. Jie Chen and Prof. Haifeng Qian. He was a research assistant in Nanyang Technological University (2017.03-2017.09) under the supervision of Prof. Huaxiong Wang. He visited Shanghai Jiaotong University (2023.09-2024.06) under the supervision of Prof. Haojin Zhu.

His research interests include applied cryptography and information security, he has published over 50 papers in international conferences and referred journals, such as EUROCRYPT, ASIACRYPT, PKC, ACM AsiaCCS and IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Theoretical Computer Science.

Research Interests


Selected Publications (Full List:[Google Scholar][DBLP][ORCID])